InEUPHORIAbyDr Mehmet YildizA New Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients Arrives at the Start of 2023Lecanemab, a new Alzheimer’s medication, has been approved by the FDA, coming at half the price of Aduhelm, released in 2021.Aug 21, 202310Aug 21, 202310
Cai EmmonsWrapping Up A LifeA good writer friend calls me a “completionist” because I insist on finishing a piece of writing even when I know it isn’t any good…Dec 28, 202225Dec 28, 202225
InThe Orange JournalbyCasandra ReidLearning to Adapt Is a Key Part of SurvivingThe species that don’t adapt become extinct.Nov 4, 2022Nov 4, 2022
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyCasandra ReidLiving Your Life on Your Terms Results in FulfillmentRefuse to chase and live other people’s dreams.Nov 1, 20221Nov 1, 20221
InMidformbyCasandra ReidI Preserve and Protect My Love JealouslyYou cannot pour from an empty glass. Therefore, self-care and self-love are a must.Nov 9, 20228Nov 9, 20228
Casandra ReidI Am a Semi-Finalist in The FabOver40 and National Breast Cancer Foundation CompetitionThank you to those who have carried me thus far with their free votes and donations.Dec 8, 20221Dec 8, 20221
InThe Orange JournalbyCasandra ReidWhat It Feels Like Being a Finalist in The Fab Over 40 and National Breast Cancer Foundation…After seven rounds, amongst thousands of women, I’m now in the top 14.Dec 12, 20222Dec 12, 20222
InModern WomenbyCasandra ReidA Mom Story: She Had Less, but She Gave MorePrioritizing her children was her #1 priority.May 7, 202226May 7, 202226
InModern WomenbyCasandra Reid7 Months Pregnant — No Sweet Baby BumpExpecting what? Where’s the evidence? These and other questions my colleagues asked.May 27, 202224May 27, 202224
Liberty ReneeLoving yourselfLike many of you I have always been told “In order to love someone else you must first love yourself” but what does that mean? How far must…Oct 30, 20227Oct 30, 20227
Chris WelsbySoft Lad Strikes BackHe was mentally disadvantaged, he talked with a stutter, but Angela liked him, much to her boyfriend’s disgust.Jan 12, 2022Jan 12, 2022
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyIndigoI Was Stripped Of My Innocence: Parents, Protect Your ChildrenBe aware of the warning signs. This is my experience…May 10, 2022108May 10, 2022108